Spamer: How CIL will thrive following my retirement

MCALLEN, Texas – Entrepreneur Joaquin Spamer has drawn up a plan that will allow his import-export logistics company, Commodities Integrated Logist...

July 29, 2022
7:50 PM

MCALLEN, Texas – Entrepreneur Joaquin Spamer has drawn up a plan that will allow his import-export logistics company, Commodities Integrated Logistics, to continue and prosper once he retires. The plan involves changing CIL's corporate structure by inviting outside business men and women to join a new board of directors. In an exclusive interview with the Rio Grande Guardian International News Service, Spamer said he wants to make sure his 300-plus employees are looked after. Spamer hastened to add that he is not retiring just yet from the award-winning company he founded 30 years ago.

Steve Taylor